We spent almost every night under the "sombrero" playing soccer with the kids, having sing-a-longs, or just hanging out and talking. There wasn't one night that wrapped up before midnight! Obviously the younger kids were in bed, but the older ones were going strong til one or two am some nights.
Brian Crabb executed excellent leadership and was the reason so much work got done on the PC in a little over one week!
This restaurant was the Mexican version of Hardees. It was the first time our group went out to lunch with all of the kids. They had a blast! Evidently, the owner of the place knew Dean (who runs the Ranch) and he treated all of the kids to a free meal. It was so special to be able to go to church and to lunch with them.
This swing was a favorite of many of the young kids.
It has been about three weeks since I was in Mexico, but it doesn't seem that long ago. I had such a good time while I was there. God truly did a work in my life that week. The last morning during morning worship we sang the song "Let Your Kingdom Come" and a line that really stuck out to me more than usual was "Lord use us as you want, whatever the test." I went in with an attitude ready to serve in whatever way I could. On my last trip everyone stayed at the Ranch to work all day. We'd start work after breakfast, eat lunch at about 1, have a siesta time until about 3:30, then go back to work until dinner. I thought this year was going to be the same type of thing and so that was the type of serving I was looking forward to. Upon my arrival, I found out that this year was going to be different. Each day, a team of men was formed to go to Juarez after breakfast and work there all day on the Latin American Pastor's College. We'd pack up around 5:30 to be on time for dinner at 7:30. I was on this team four out of the five work days. The first few days were difficult for me. My friends had to continually remind me that I was here to serve! In my selfishness, I wanted to be back at the Ranch to be with the kids. After all, that was why we came, I thought. I'm so thankful for God's faithfulness in turning my selfish heart into a heart longing to do His will. I can honestly say that my heart slowly changed as the week progressed. That is why that line sounded so sweet. Though I failed " the tests" many times, I have a savior who has succeeded in every way for me and gives me power to succeed the next time.