Psalm 16:5-6

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold
my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I
have a
beautiful inheritance."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Date Night

Aren't they so cute!! Mom and dad are going on a date night tonight to Red Lobster. Dad has been winning all these gift cards at work, so he has a stash of like 10 or more different gift cards to a bunch of nice restaraunts. So off they go. The boys are in Williamsburg at the outlet mall, they should be home soon and will probably then go play tennis! I am just trying to figure out what I'm going to eat for dinner. Its pretty rare that I am home alone, probably mostly because I'll just leave if no one is home..especially at night! So I will sign off for now to get something to eat and then be off to Wes and Rays...they (Ray) invited a bunch of people over! Goodbye for now.


Sara said...

I LOVE the bag-so cute!!

Billie said...

YOu two look so good. How fun to see you off for your date. I am glad you have been able to win all those cards. What a blessing. Good work Uncle Lyle. Are you sure you haven't been entering muscle contests??? HA HA

Kate Van said...

Aunt Linda,
I'm glad you all had a great date-night! We should double up sometime! Sorry we missed you at the beach yesterday . . . we'll do it again! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda and Lyle,
how are all of you doing? i miss you all so much!! Your family look's so beautiful!! I can not believe how different sean look's!! I hope all is going well!! ALSO REMEMBER I HAVE NEVER STOPPED PRAYING FOR YOUR FAMILY I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOO MUCH TAKE CARE AND KEEP IN TOUCH!!