Psalm 16:5-6

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold
my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I
have a
beautiful inheritance."

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Perfect BEACH day/night & Worship

Fun on The Beach!
Rach, Treese, Heather, me, Nik & Dino

Dino, Jon & Parker
Ray Ray, Blowing kisses at someone . . .
Last night we had a singles worship night at the beach. It was so awesome to look at the waves and the stars in the sky as we worshiped! Just to see such beauty in God's creation. It was a perfect night for it too, cool, breezy, waves crashing and the stars out so bright! It was a neat time together!
Rachel, Lauren, Heather Coleman, Stacey and me. Lauren and Stacey came to visit Coleman and Rachel from Covenant Life. t was fun to get to know them a bit!

Andy, Wes, Sean & Josh
The beach durning the day was perfect yesteday as well! It wasn't hot, so you could just rest and lay on the beach without ROASTING! The waves were pretty big too!


Jane said...

Hello Kat's,
Oh thank you so much for the pix..
I thought everyone had taken a break, and you would think alot is going on..Ya-Know like a Family wedding or something..Ha-Ha...
Thank's again for this time you spend on doing this, it sure means alot to me!!!!
I look so forward to seeing ALL of You!!
Tell Mudder I said Hi..
A. Fran

patrick said...

He never ceases to make me laugh. I think he was blowing those kisses at me!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures KateKate!

Anonymous said...

Jane looking forward to that 3:00 cup...just a couple days away!!! Hey did Dave tell you I called Sunday evidently you left your phone home and you were at work. See you in a couple of days

Anonymous said...

Aunt fran,
How long will you be here? Long enough for a popcorn, m&m & movie night?!? Can't wait til the wedding!
Patrick--you would have loved the worship night on the beach. We have a new "creative arts director" and he reminds us so much of you! He is so passionate, he looks a bit like you, and he's always smiling! Oh yeah--and the way he plays guitar is just like you!

Jane said...

Linda, and Kat,
Oh my one day left!
I have butterflies!!! We leave today for Detriot, and fly out tomorrow A.M. We will arrive in VB(Norfolk)at 1:59!!!!!!
My My am i excitied!!!!!
Thank's for writing and yes Kat lond enough for a movie junk food, and some GREAT 3:00 Coffee..
Have Half and Half!!! De-caf also ok???
I love you all and see you 2-morrow
Ha-Lo Patrick,