Psalm 16:5-6

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold
my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I
have a
beautiful inheritance."

Friday, July 13, 2007


As I, (Linda) have been reflecting back on Revive and engaging people on what they had learned I have been reminded over and over of a profound truth that has been provoking me. The message that triggered this truth was entiteled "LIVING FOR HIM WHO DIED FOR US" What does in look like to take up your Cross? -Dying to self"; taken from II Cor 5:15. "and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on thier behalf ." The four points Brent Detwhiler made in this message were 1. Self Denial is intentional. In other words it doesn't just happen, you have to purposefully deny your selfish desires. 2. Self denial in daily - it means that you never take a vacation from denying your self and your desires. 3. Self denial is painful. It is a battle ground that requires hard decisions. 4. Self denial is mortal. We have to continually put our selfishness to death. Brent made practical application as to how to die to self by giving several examples. One of these examples was when you go up the stairs and see your brother or sisters shoes, that aren't yours, take them to his or her room. You die to self - though these aren't mine, I will take care of them, I will die to self and serve Christ by serving my brother or sister. Another example he gave was, "think of an area in your church where you wouldn't normally want to serve...then serve there." Now that was piercing. I enjoy serving in some areas, so it is not hard to die to self...but what about the areas that aren't so enjoyable, then am I willing to die to self and serve there? I pray God will give me the Grace to continually die to self!
The specific truth that has been probing my heart was brought up in our 316 Care Group when we were talking about this particular message and Barry Herman reminded us that the verse right before says, "out of our love for Christ..." don't live for yourself, but serve others. So often I can be serving others expecting something in return. Or I can be serving thinking now people are going to think highly of me. Or I can serve thinking now I can check that off my list of service. THESE all are being done with the wrong motives...My motivation should be OUT OF MY LOVE FOR CHRIST AM DYING TO SELF TO SERVE OTHERS. I pray as time goes on, and the newness of these teachings wear off, that God will continue to remind me of this very important truth! Lets remind each other continually of this...are you with me? OUT OF MY LOVE FOR CHRIST I WILL DIE TO SELF AND SERVE OTHERS!!!!


The Smith Family said...

Aunt Lin,
Thanks for your thoughts on Mr. Detwiler's message. It is so good to hear it again! I would be glad to show you how to post a slide show... it makes it easier not to have to post each picture one by one. Hope you have a great day!
See you soon,

Kate Van said...

Aunt Linda, thanks for the thoughtful encouragement. That's the only message I missed but I have the cd . . . love ya!

Sara said...

I wish we could have been there. You all look so cute. I love the pic of you and katie. The boys are looking so cute too.

love you and see ya tomorrow!!