Psalm 16:5-6

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold
my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I
have a
beautiful inheritance."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Baptism- They want to live for Christ!

Wes under the water.

Sean under the water
Josh just coming out of the water

Danny sharing his testimony...
Will he be a preacher??? Eric Hughes prayed for the boys indicating that three chords to make a rope are stronger than one. And how these brothers (the three of them) can encourage and provoke each other in their walks with the Lord...and how much stonger they will be growing together in the Lord. Thank you Eric for all you impart to our family..We love you and are blessed to call you our friend and Pastor!

Charity and Josh waiting for their turn to be
Wes, Josh and Ray waiting to be baptized

Bret sharing about what it means to to Baptized

Many of our church family and friends supporting every ones decision to make a public confirmation of the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ


Kate Van said...

What a wonderful God we serve. He has been so faithful to your children. I'm thankful to live near you and be apart of you family!

Jane said...

Thanks so much for sharing these!!!
Oh how i miss you all:( Jane

Anonymous said...

Katy we di sevrve a wonderful God!!! Glad you're a part of our family too!!!
Jane we miss you too!

Lizzy said...

What a testimony to God's amazing grace at work in your family for your three precious sons to be baptized altogether and simultaneously make a "loud statement" for Christ!! (o: