Psalm 16:5-6

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold
my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I
have a
beautiful inheritance."

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A fun-filled weekend

Having a wonderful time bowling and enjoying the fellowship of our good friends and family!

Some of my dear friends and I went to Williamsburg to spend the day together. We had a wonderful time enjoying each others company, looking at the little shops, and having lunch at The Lodge in Willaimsburg.

We had good Biblical fellowship talking about areas where God has been doing a work in our hearts. I took a picture of our "leader" Jenny who is always so good at leading discussion, however it ended up looking pretty silly so I opted not to post that picture...Jenny you'll thank me later! HAHA

Debra was a trooper as she felt a migrain coming on while driving the scenic view Annie took us down. She was a bit dizzy and held Jennys arm as she did her best to enjoy her time. Debra I'm glad you started feeling better as the day went on.

I put these pictures in the wrong order...but here is the beautiful scenery we were able to enjoy...with the exception of Debra who was getting dizzier each passing mile...Was it all the curves, or Annies driving?!?! heehee Seriously Annie, thanks for drving it was an enjoyable day spent together!

After getting home Lyle and I planned on going bowling with some friends. However because of some pride, misunderstanding, and lack of communication we had a major family conflict. You know the kind that feels like you can cut the air with a knife? After some one suggested we talk the issue through - we started to communicate with a lot of awkwardness....and many ringing phones from home phone, to cell phone, to another cell phone, to home phone, etc (of course no one answering because we were in the midst of resolving the conflict)....we finally came to a place of repentance and forgiveness, between all those involved. Eventhough walking through the conflict was difficult, and at some points painful, I was reminded of Gods faithfulness in restoring relationships through forgiveness.
Interestingly we ladies had just been discussing the book "Relationships, A Mess Worth Making",earlier in the day. I was sharing how I was seeing evidence of Gods Grace in my life by communicating in ways that please Him... However when I got home there was more evidence of sin on my part then on the Grace I had been experiencing as of late.
In God's kindness He helped each one of us walk through the conflict and see that much Grace was available and evident after the conflict was all settled. One of my children said and the end of the day, "Isn't God's Grace amazing?" Referring to the fact that there was so much tention and pain during the conflict, but how there was so much love and appreciation for each other after it. We were able to enjoyspending an evening together bowling with each other and our friends.
I am so thankful that God used that conflict to remind me that I am in need of a Savior every day, every moment of the day!

Having fun together!

Enjoying our time bowling and fellowshiping!

Right after we got into the bowling alley Lyle noticed David Wright, a pro baseball player. He plays third base for the New York Mets I think. Anyway Lyle asked if they could get their picture taken with him.


Sara said...

Way to go Uncle Lyle...Aaron said his name is David Wright. Third baseman for the Mets and was last years national league rookie of the year!! Curt knows him. Love you.


Anonymous said...

Sara, You're right...the boys weren't home when I did the post so I was trying to remember what they told me at the bowling alley. A. Lin

Anonymous said...

Bowlpy! Buff! Wish I could have been there! Sounds like you all had lots of fun! Miss you all soo much! Talk to ya soon!

Billie said...

What a great day. I miss all of you ladies. Wish I could have been there with you. And bowling sounds like a blast. It would be just like our crazy family to see a famous baseball player in the bowling alley. HA HA Love you and thanks for the was overdue!

Jane said...

Hey Linda tahnks so much for the update on your blog.Is Katie slipping on this or what? You'd think she was courtin or something..Hee-hee..
Well i talked to Debra and she said you all had a wonderful time.. Wish i could have celebrated the birthday get away!!
Maybe next year! ya know the big 50!!! I love you so much Lin, and sure miss you all

Anonymous said...

Jane miss you too! Katie always has great ideas as to what to post...but it takes a good chunk of time to upload you see what happens...the blog gets put off at times.HAHA Yeh there's something about courtin' that gets more attention heehee!! Wish you could have spent the day with us as well.
Love you SIS

Jane said...

Oh Lin so get to get a line back!!
Yeah debra called me so we a a minute to chat.
We all ahd so much fun last year!!
Well i miss you and pray for me..Love you too!!!