Psalm 16:5-6

"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold
my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I
have a
beautiful inheritance."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another Saturday

Saturday the boys helped out one of our Pastors by filling their crawl space with sand. So up at 7:00 am all three boys loaded the van with the wheelbarrow, shovels and rakes. Off to Trevor Haynes to spread the sand. Pictues will be coming as Danny has his camera with him so I can't up load them at this time.

Katie and I cleaned the house until around 11:00 then went to the YMCA. It was a lot of fun spending a few hours together. It's not very often that we have that opportunity. Katy Van came for a short time too. It's always good to talk to her. She is so good at drawing people out about what the Lord is doing in her life. Thanks Kit!

Lyle he has been working so hard to support our family so here is another Saturday he sacrifices for us and heads off to work - Thanks honey we really do appreciate what you do to care for our family!


Kate Van said...

Great work guys! I'm inspired by you servent's heart and willingness to give up a beautiful Saturday to work. The pool was fun A. Linda- maybe around the 4th of Jul we can do it again!?

Billie said...

You boys are such servants. A. Linda and U. Lyle, you have some great kids. God has been so kind to you. They are such an example of the Gospel. love you guys

Jane said...

Hi Lin,
Please tell the boy's they remind me, of myself!Ha_HA!!!!!
They are such servants and they do example the gospel well..
I love to see all going on, although wow do i miss you all.. Sure look forward to the big Wedding...
I love you Lin.. Jane

patrick said...

What can I say? I'm a huge fan of the Dowlings boys. They are the beessstttttt!!!!!